Arn The Knight Templar Free

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  1. The Knight Templar Movie
  2. Arn The Knight Templar Free Download

Knight Templar (1999) As a high-ranking Templar sits Arn then 10 years as a castle lord in Gaza. He is well versed in Arab culture and also speaks Arabic. Arn de Gothia, as he is called, has after having saved his life, become good friends with sarace – nernas ( Muslim ) leader Saladin – a historical figure known for his integrity. In a land of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent off to war as a Knight Templar. Separated from his one true love, Arn must fight the forces of. Arn: The Knight Templar. The harsh voyage carries Arn through the heart of the medieval world and into the core of brutal and bloody Crusades. Once you select Rent you'll have 14 days to start watching the movie and 48 hours to finish it.

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The Knight Templar Movie

Calling all Crusaders and Knights Templar!!!

Arn The Knight Templar Free Download

Finally, a movie for us! Where do I start? This is the first movie I've seen where they attempted to deal with the disparate languages, customs and ideologies of the day w/out coming off as preachy.The story centers on two lovers, a young man named Arn Magnusson who was raised at a Cistercian monastery as was customary at the time, and a young woman named Cecilia Algotsdottir who was also schooled at the monastery by the Abbess of the nunnery there. Their both teens at this point, and very much in love. It just so happens that Arn is a member of the Folkungs, a dynasty with ties to the throne. He gets embroiled in political issues early on and is forced to defend his family's honor, which he does admirably and well, due to his training at the monastery of a former Templar. However, due to those same political reasons, the two are found to have sinned (having had premarital sex) and are excommunicated from the Church and sentenced to do 20 years penance for their crime of passion; she as a nun at the Abbey, he as a Templar fighting the Saracens in the Holy Land.I could easily give the story away because I loved this movie so much- I'll do my best to keep it simple. In this one movie, at least 5 different languages are spoken, depending on the location..for instance, at the monastery, you'll hear Latin, English and French in addition to the local language, Swedish. In the Holy Land you will hear both English and Arabic- the differences in languages as well as when you hear them help set the tone for their particular scenes. I felt it lent a feeling of reality to the movie, as for that time it was commonplace to hear more than one language in a monastery, or in a foreign city- especially one with a heavy Crusader presence. Crusaders came from all over Europe, and they didn't all speak the same language. It is not usual for this to be embraced in a film, which only made it better in my eyes.The action segments were very well done; fight scenes were not long drawn out affairs usually associated with Hollywood- there are a couple of set-piece battles that are touched upon (the Battle of Montgisard where the Crusaders handed Saladin a crushing defeat, and the Battle of Hattin where Saladin returned the favor) and overall, the action is very well done. Of course, I wanted more, but then I wouldn't be happy until they made a series of movies about the entire Crusades history- complete with the sheen and finish of a Hollywood construct, but I digress..from costuming, choice of actors, adherence to the source material (Guillou's books), locales, linguistics- I will say this is the first movie based in the Crusades that endeavored to give viewers a 'time capsule' view of what life must've been like 800 years ago.Definitely a movie for the collection, and one I'll never tire of watching.Read full review